Welcome Visitors
New Hartford Baptist Church welcomes all visitors to our church. We would love to have you visit us and attend our Sunday Worship Services. We would also like to have you join us for weekly study of God’s word during our Sunday School classes that are held before our Worship Service.
We have casual services. We don’t have a dress code. You may feel free to dress modestly in casual wear. Our attendees will wear jeans, slacks, skirts, dresses, tee shirts, collared shirts, etc. If you like you may also wear a suit or sportcoat. We just ask that you wear appropriate modest attire.
Sunday School
We start our Sunday morning off with Sunday School beginning at 9:30 am. We begin Sunday School in the Sanctuary where we sing a couple hymns and read a devotional passage. After this we split up into our Sunday School classes. We currently have the following classes:
- Childrens Class: up to 6th grade
- Youth Class: 7th grade thru 12th grade
- Womens Class
- Mens Class
In our Sunday School classes we study a section of scripture. We discuss in the class what the scripture means for us and how to apply it to our lives. The point of Sunday School is to learn more about God’s word as provided to us in the Holy Bible. To learn all about what God wants for us, and what God expects from us.
Worship Service
Sunday Worship Service begins at 10:30 AM. Our worship service is Informal. We have a standard format that we follow but it is flexible. We begin with a hymn and then go into Praise and Prayer request. We have had a week since we last met as a group. This is a time to express what God has done for you the past week and what items we need to present to the Lord in prayer. I recommend you reflect on your week and see just exactly how blessed you have been.
We then continue to worship with more hymns and scripture readings. We go over announcements. and then we begin with the Message of the week. This message may be a continuation of a longer bible study going verse by verse thru a book or chapter of the bible. Or it may be topical for a given current event or special event. In all cases our messages will be based on scripture. We want to praise God and worship him. How better to do this than to learn his word.
At the conclusion of services we will depart and go our separate ways for the week. However we are a church family. If someone in the family is in need let us know. We will support each other. This may be by prayer requests. It may be by physical help. We want to be a blessing to each other. Yesterday, Today and Forever!
Praise God that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. To teach us, to guide us, but mainly to be our Lord and Savior. To pay the price for our sins. That we may be saved by Grace thru faith in Jesus Christ who died on the cross, for us sinners, to make atonement for our sins. That he was raised on the third day proving his power over death and giving us the Hope of eternal life thru him.
Halleluiah, Praise the Lord.
We hope to see you soon!